About the Journal

The Journal of Economic Policy and Management Issues (JEPMI - ISSN: 2958-6313) aims to serve as an interface between academics and policymakers on contemporary economic policy and management issues. The establishment of the journal was motivated by the real economic challenges facing many countries, both developing and developed.

The journal covers all facets of economic policy and management issues, including socio-economic policies that have a direct or an indirect bearing on the core economic policy-making decision.

The journal particularly encourages multidisciplinary studies that have socio-economic policy content. Some of the areas covered by the journal include, but are not limited to, the following: financial economics, public economics; international economics; development economics, institutional economics, tourism economics, political economy, managerial economics, education economics, industrial organisation, and behavioural economics.


Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Volume 3
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